Sunday, January 20, 2013

Summer always sounds best when it's cold

 I remember once reading in one of Martha Stewarts books that her favorite time for gardening was February.  That's when she sat by the fire and went through catalogs of flowers and planned.

I think I agree with her.  Especially since Missouri's summers are hot and humid and I hate very hot weather.

But this quilt "Summer Nights" reminds me of the first balmy nights of summer, when the skies are clear and you can see at least a million stars from our deck.

And the fragrance of the flowers wafts in with the gentle breeze.

I'm waxing poetic about it since the temperature just dropped significantly.  It was 59 yesterday but it's winter again today - definitely.

Summer Nights is on sale this week for 40% off.


  1. I agree with you about summertime heat and humidity! Ugh!! Your quilt is lovely...Julierose

  2. I would still like to purchase the Winter Book but the cart won't allow it. Have you received my email?

  3. Loris - I just tried and it let me put it in the cart. You might try again and if it won't let you, call Tori at 816-632-7632 and leave a message on the machine so she can send it. I don't know about the email, will go check but I know the answering machine will get it.
    All this technology makes life easier - MOST of the time. :)

  4. It is up and down here, never hot but cold and even colder, lol.
    I do love the summer, but not the heat.


  5. Jan, me again :-/
    The shopping cart still won't let me add the book and I'm not getting an answer or machine at the number you gave me. Can you email me at lorismills at charter dot net?

    1. Loris, Sometimes I just hate technology. It is supposed to make our lives easier but sometimes it just makes it so much more complicated. If you're not getting an answer or the machine it means you're calling when Tori is on the phone. I had some lady tell me she waited 4 or 5 times, 5 minutes each time. If you don't get an answer the phone doesn't call through if we hang up with whoever we're talking too, it just keeps ringing. It causes no end of grief. I will copy your request and email you and send a cc to Tori. I will also print it out and take it up to her because quite often my emails don't get through. And I should tell you we're getting orders through the store. Go figure! If we don't get back to you Monday, comment again. I'll be watching for it. Good Lord!

  6. JAN, I started making that quilt a year or so ago! I have all the applique blocks done, and half the pieced blocks! Your post reminded me of how close I was to finishing it! I should get to work on that one, because I love it so much! Thanks for the reminder!

  7. Hi Jan, I'm sending you an email but thought I would post here as well. There must be something on my computer blocking me from adding to your cart...So I used my husband's computer and was able to make the order.
    Thank you so much for your patience and help.

  8. When are some of your last couple of featured fabric bom gonna be available in a book (pattern?)...especially last years flowers and the year before with all the little scenes (LOVE that one!!) Please soon!! And the new iris one is fabulous!!


  9. Jan,
    I can't tell you in words how wonderful your quilt designs are. Your quilts are classics that fulfill so many facets of enjoyment in people's lives. Even if we never make all of your designs,(and I know I'll never have time for all of them) aren't they just lovely to just look at! My family has said, "Why do you buy so many of Jan Patek's books, you'll never make all of them!" and my reply is, "Just looking at the designs are enjoyment enough and I can't wait to see what's in the next book." My philosophy is that you don't have to paint all the pictures in a museum to enjoy them. When I have one of those days, I pull out your quilt books and just turn the pages and dream about all I'm going to make. In no time at all, my blood pressure is down, as I'm imagining where all those quilts are going to be placed in my house. What a wonderful way to escape from the world. Thank you so much Jan, for sharing your special gift with all of us.
    This is the part I feel bad to have to tell. Why is it so hard to order and receive your books? It takes some of the joy out, when we all have to work so hard to place an order and then not be able to contact the office on the phone, recorder, or email when the shipment is not correct. I know it's not your fault, but is there anything you or us can do to correct this? At this moment I have tried to contact your office for days (email and phone) to let them know that I did not receive two books and one pattern in my large order when it was shipped to me. (O' by the way, I just have to tell everyone that they must own Country Quilts For Your Soul, it's fantastic and worth every cent.) So Jan, could you please help correct my order. I know you will. Thanks, Rebecca
