Thursday, December 24, 2009

God Bless us - every one

I read Alma's blog this morning after my trip. I would like to urge all of us to join her in doing this. There are a lot of quilters and together we can make a difference.

Her words:

Today remember those less fortunate. I know the economy is bad for most of us. But think how a small amount of money given by a large group of people can add up to a lot. If we all pledge to donate all the change in our wallets to the Salvation Army today, it could really make a difference.

Let's do this!

God bless us - every one.


  1. Thank you for the blessing, may your Christmas celebration bring the wonder of the Saviour to your whole family.

    Hugs, Carrie

  2. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  3. Jan,
    Blessings to you and your family this Christmas.

