Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 18 - Jan Patek of Brannock/Patek

Welcome to Day 18 of the Moda County Fair Blog Hop.

I have fond memories of County Fairs in Harper, Kansas where my brother and I would go spend the summer with our Great Aunt Odell and Uncle Carl Elliot. The fairgrounds was right down the street from their house - Kid heaven!

Aunt Odell and Uncle Carl owned a house in town and they also owned a farm outside of town where we would go for picnics and fishing. Our summers there were a huge influence on my life today. They're pretty well the reason we now live in the country. (Cousins Wayne and Katherine had this great chicken house and my Grandpa Laird who lived in Kansas City had a huge garden and a chicken house in his back yard.)

Lissa Alexander - our favorite marketing guru at Moda asked

"What's your favorite Fair Food"? Caramel Corn and hot dogs.

Since Sandy Klop has already told you about her Caramel Corn, Pep got busy and made our favorite Caramel Corn.

Cranberry-Orange Caramel Corn

12 cups popped popcorn (about ½ cup kernels

1 cup dried cranberries

½ cup whole almonds

½ cup butter

½ cup packed brown sugar

¼ cup light colored corn syrup

2 Tbsp orange juice

2 tsp vanilla

½ tsp baking soda

1. Preheat oven to 275. In a very large bowl combine popcorn, cranberries & almonds. Set aside.

In a 2 qt saucepan cook and stir the butter, brown sugar and corn syrup over medium heat until butter is melted. Stir in orange juice. Bring to boiling over medium heat. Boil at a moderate, steady rate for 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla and baking soda (mixture will foam up).

3. Pour the syrup mixture over the popcorn mixture in a bowl; stir to coat well.

Transfer to a 15x10x1 inch baking pan or shallow roasting pan.

Bake for 30 minutes, stirring twice. Transfer caramel corn to a large sheet of greased heavy foil; cool.

When it's cool, put it in a large bowl and serve.

And with four grandkids in the house for the weekend, don't expect it to last very long. :)

Do you have a pet? Boy, do I! His name is Spike. He is 6 months old and he's an English Bulldog. And I'm sorry to say that he's getting rather spoiled. He loves sitting on laps - and quilts.

Here he is asking pretty please can he make a bed on the quilts.

And here he is after he's been told "No!". Spoiled or not there are limits. :)

What's your Guilty Pleasure? Climbing in bed at night with a good book and a piece of chocolate. (And please don't tell my dentist - who is also my son. He says that sugar on your teeth before you go to sleep is a huge no-no.) Ah well, that why it's a guilty pleasure - once in awhile.

What's on your bucket list? 1.) A trip to Alaska and down the coast to see the whales.

2.) A tour of the New England states and Maine to see the leaves in the Fall. The 2nd one may never happen because Market is in the Fall.

Now for the Goodies. I have two to give away - (Many thanks to Moda, of course) - a Fat 1/4 bundle and a Jelly Roll of Linda and my latest line "Together". The line has shipped and should be at your local quilt shop now.

Leave a comment, any old thing at all, between now and October 2nd when I get back from the AQS Festival in DesMoines. We'll have a drawing then for two of the names and send out the prizes.

And here's our free pattern to download. It really is from both Linda and I. Years ago she gave me a Pineapple Trivet stuffed with bay leaves. When we needed a County Fair type project for the Blog Hop her trivet came immediately to mind. You can't believe the awesome smell you get when you set a hot dish on it. So from Linda and I - Enjoy!


  1. Those fabrics look perfect for autumn and I'm really ready for a change in season. =)

  2. Gorgeous fabrics!! I hope I win some:) Love the "guilty" bulldog face. Who can resist that?

  3. I'd love to win your fabric, I love it! Also, I want to try your popcorn recipe, it looks yummy!

  4. Wow, yummy looking popcorn. Your dog is priceless! How lucky to capture the picture.

  5. That recipe looks great! Thanks. Also thanks for the pattern and the give away. This Blog Hop has been a blast!

  6. My daughter used to give me that same look when she was two years old and I didn't let her have her way.

  7. I'm absolutely in love with Spike! He is just too cute for words.

  8. Love your fabric and I also love the "look" Spike was giving you. Animals are characters.

  9. Have been a huge fan of all of your fabric lines - "Together" is another winner! Thanks.

  10. Love the trivit idea. Great gift idea!

  11. i like your bucket list! whale watching here in alaska! marvelous adventure! we used to ply the waters, fishing, sightseeing, and have had fantastic whale sightings in southeastern and mostly out of resurrection bay. now i join the tourist tours spring and fall for whale watching. great pix, good design inspiration !
    yummy fabric bundle! good fall colors.

  12. Between the popcorn and hot pad wow I smell them now. Can't wait to try them. Thanks, Karin E :)

  13. Oh my, I thought I had a good carmel corn recipe!! Please enter me in the giveaway drawing!!
    Thank you.

  14. Cant wait to try that popcorn. It looks great. The trivit is a great gift idea. Think I will have to make up several just to have handy. Thanks for being in the moda blog hop.

  15. That popcorn looks delicious.
    Such a good idea this Blog Hop - you get to know a lot more about everyone. Thanks for the pattern.
    Ineke Platvoet

  16. Love your dog and your fabric line. Thank you for the giveaway!

  17. I love the look on Spike's face being told no.
    Thanks for the post and the giveaway.

  18. I laughed when I saw Spike's reaction to your "no". That picture is priceless! LOL! Your fabrics are beautiful! I LOVE the colors!

  19. Spike is one handsome fellow. I have a bulldog mix and she is spoiled rotten. I would love a chance to win some of your gorgeous fabric.

  20. Yummy looking popcorn.
    I want to go to Alaska too.
    Great fabrics, thanks for the giveaway.
    Have fun at the festival.

  21. Love Spike! Thanks for the chance to win some beautiful fabric.

  22. I love the fabric - so pretty! The trivet is an excellent idea, too...thanks!

  23. That popcorn -- is it as good as it looks? Can't wait to try it! Thanks for the chance to win some wonderful fabric.

  24. yummy looking popcorn and fabric! Thanks for a chance to win the latter.

  25. Gorgeous fabric and yummy looking popcorn - thank you for the trivet pattern. Thank you for the opportunity to be a winner!

  26. Yummy fabrics!! Gotta love Spike!!


  27. I make caramel corn often and will surely try this recipe. Lovely new fabric line, as usual.

  28. I love popcorn in any shape or form, even the old maids, LOL. Thx for sharing the recipe and the trivet pattern. I bet it smells great with a warm dish set upon it.

  29. can't wait to try the popcorn. Love your work and looking forward to seeing you at the AQS in Des Moines.

  30. Love the new fabric! Now I'm hungry for caramel corn, one of my fair favorites...

    Thank you for the trivet pattern!


  31. Hi Jan
    So nice to see Spike settleing right in.
    Whale watching is so much fun.
    Would love a chance to win your fantastic fabric, Together.

  32. Love the trivet pattern! The caramel corn sounds delicious too...just might have to make it soon! Beautiful fabrics as well.

  33. I love making popcorn balls and am always looking for different recipes. Thanks for sharing, I'm sure I'll try it with the holidays coming up! deep down I love buttered popcorn. Emphasis on the butter. In the words of Homer Slimpson " Popcorn is merely the vehicle for the butter". Thanks for sharing you talents!!

  34. I love the colours in your fabrics! I am a big fan! Thanks for the chance to win!

  35. I am going to keep an eye out for your fabric. A friend wants a wedding quilt with these colors. Perfect timing!

  36. I have been checking all day for your post, lol.
    That popcorn sure looks good and love the trivet, a nice simple and fun project for the fall, thanks for sharing.

    Of course I love the fabrics.


  37. Have really enjoyed your fabrics...especially Lilac Hill!

  38. Yummy looking popcorn, will definitely have to try that!!!!

    Your fabrics are gorgeous, thank you for the giveaway!

  39. Now that is popcorn! Thanks for sharing Jan. See you soon.

  40. Your latest line is wonderful. It's hard to keep up with all your fabrics - you are prolific.

  41. Thanks for the pattern and the giveaway.
    Just love those colours!

  42. Thanks for sharing the popcorn recipe and for the chance to win!

  43. I think in the 2nd picture Spike is saying "Whut? Wasn't me!" So cute! I love his freckles.


  45. I love your new fabric, thanks for the chance to win. Spike is adorable!

  46. It's a really beautiful autumn fabric.

  47. I love the new fabric. There are so many people registering for the give-away, I've got to be nuts to do it too. But, the blog hop is way too much fun.

  48. Popcorn looks absolutely delicious... I want some!!!! Love the colors of your new fabric... sure hope I win it... thanks for the giveaway.

  49. You should enter Spike in a cutest dog contest. His pictures always make me smile.

  50. Great caramel corn! I might drizzle a little chocolate on it...yum. Thanks for the chance to win!

  51. Thank you for the pattern and giveaway. The blog hop has been so much.

  52. Thanks for that popcorn recipe...that may very well become my "guilty pleasure".

  53. Thank you so much for the cranberry-orange caramel popcorn recipe--it sounds so yummy! And also for the trivet pattern (I think I will make one for my daughter-in-law--she loves stuff like that!) And thank you too for the chance to win the prize! I really enjoy your blog!

  54. Carmel corn recipe looks delicious. Pretty fabrics too. Thanks for the blog post. Suzanne M.

  55. Thank you for the pattern. What a great picture of your pup. :-)

  56. Great fabrics. I always like your lines. Spike is adorable, oh - that face! Thanks for the recipe and pattern.

  57. I am having a great time on the Moda Blog Hop thank you for hosting this giveaway.

    Okay, who doesn't love popcorn! Great recipe too!


  58. Mmmm, your caramel corn looks so yummy!

  59. Thank you for the popcorn recipe (I love caramel corn - known as toffee popcorn over here) and the bay leaf trivet - I am going to have to try that one out very soon.

  60. Spike is so cute ! I have had my eye on this line of fabric for a couple days now, maybe i"ll wait and see if I am lucky enough to win some, and if not I'll think I'll just have to put"Togather" on my list. Thanks for the chance to win some.

  61. I sure would love to win that beautiful county fabric!! LOVE it! thanks for the giveaway!

  62. I would love that fabric, also! It is so pretty! Thanks for the contest.

  63. Great project and great fabrics! I'm going to start collecting bay leaves for stuffing. Thanks for participating in the Moda Fair!

  64. Thanks for the free pattern -- I've been wanting to make some fall projects for my kitchen!

  65. I really love this blog hop - I'm learning SO much! The fabric is beautiful and I would love to make something a little special with them.

  66. Great Fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway!!!!

  67. Love Spike, love your blog, love the fabric.

  68. Looking forward to trying the recipe for caramel corn. Would love to win.

  69. I just love your sweet little Spike! And the great fabric....thanks for the chance to win some, SWarren

  70. Your popcorn looks so-o-o yummy! Thanks for the recipe, the pattern and the opportunity to win some of your fabulous fabric.

  71. Memoris are the best. Can't wit to make the caramel corn!

  72. Thank-you for the recipe and the chance to win some of your beautiful fabric. I love all your fabric collections and this one is no exception.

  73. The fabrics are beautiful - perfect for this time of year. I love caramel corn and will definetely make this!

  74. Thanks for the pattern!
    Count me in for the giveaway please!

  75. I love the rich colors of the fabrics. Popcorn is a favorite treat of mine too.

  76. Your little dog is too cute! I love his pouty look! Thanks so much for the give-away!

  77. Spike's "look" after being told No is just hysterical!

  78. Your popcorn looks wonderful...or rather what's left of it!! Would love to win one of these sweet bundles!! Thanks for the chance!

  79. I'm a huge fan! Love your fabric lines and patterns, and Together looks like yet another must have!!! Thanks for the pattern and chance to win your beautiful fabric!

  80. That caramel corn looks great! Thanks for the giveaway.

  81. Oh I love the trivet! I am definitely making one!

  82. Dogs on laps - that's par for the course around here! Thanks for the cute trivet pattern and the chance to win.

  83. Thanks for the giveaway. Adorable dog!

  84. I Love Spike! And your fabric. We have 5 very spoiled animals!


  85. That popcorn recipe sounds so good, thanks for sharing it. Great giveaway.

  86. Oh I seriously can't wait to try that trivet. What a great idea... I might feel compelled to double up the fabric or put some batting in though... It's gotta smell fabulous with a hot dish on it! And your "Together" line is luscious. Crossing my fingers that I win!

  87. What a wonderful post. The Cranberry Orange Caramel Corn sounds delightful and the Together fabrics are beautiful - thank you for the chance at the giveaway! I hope I win!!! Pick me, pick me! A girl can hope can't she?!

  88. Can't wait to try your popcorn recipe!!! Yummy!!! Love Shoo Crow!

  89. The popcorn looks yummy! Gorgeous fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win some of your fabric line.

  90. Thank you for sharing your childhood memories, and that delicious caramel corn recipe! Yummy!!! And your bulldog is just precious. :)

  91. Thank you for the pattern, it looks adorable!

  92. Oh,that fabric sure puts me in a Fall state of mind.Would love to win it!!!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  93. Thanks for the lovely pattern and the yummy-sounding recipe! I'll bet one of your guilty pleasures is snuggling in bed with two cute bulldogs. Am I right???

  94. I love reading about everyone's fair memories. Makes me sad that my son won't have any as there are no 4-H clubs or a county fair in St. Louis.

    Generally I stay away from carmel corn but cranberries?! - love cranberries!! YUM! Thanks for the recipe and the chance at some pretty fabric. Have a great time in Iowa.

  95. Popcorn recipe sounds awesome and how do you say no to a face like Spike's?

  96. Love, love, love your Spike! Too cute for words! Also, love the popcorn recipe! Thanks for sharing~

  97. How can you resist such a pitiful face??? He is adorable! The carmel corn looks scrumptious!

  98. This popcorn sure looks too good... and perfect for a fall kind of day. And your Together fabrics look equally yummy. Thanks so much!

  99. jan, you are welcome to maine anytime, and you are right, the autumn is,!

  100. That popcorn recipe looks really good! Thanks for the cute project.
    Karen in Breezy Point

  101. That look Spike is giving you..... I know it well, our two bulldogs are very, very good at it - it is a Bulldog thing! Love the fabrics! Autumn is underway in our part of the world - it's my favorite time of the year!

  102. Spike is adorable! Love your fabric, thanks for the chance to win.

  103. We will be making that popcorn mix this weekend! Love the fabric. Enjoy reading your posts. Thank you.

  104. Your popcorn recipe sounds yummy! Spike is a doll baby!

  105. Oh, dear...Spike looks like one very unhappy dog. Hope he gets over it. Think I will try that popcorn recipe for the holidays. Sounds yummy! Thanks for a chance to win.

  106. Thanks for the trivet dog Belle sounds just like yours LOL :) Barb.

  107. That dog looks like a little person.. I love your work, always have,, Thanks for the pattern.

  108. Thanks for the trivet pattern. I made a hotpad once that was stuffed with cloves. It also had a wonderful scent.

  109. Your popcorn looks delicious :) Beautiful fabric thanks for the giveaway!!

  110. I have never made special popcorn like yours, but I am now tempted! Love your pattern line and thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to win!

  111. Couldn't stop laughing at the pic of Spike when he didn't get what he wanted!!
    The carmel corn sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    Love the idea of bay leaves in the trivet. I have one with cinnamon in it.
    ... and your fabrics, beautiful, as always...

  112. Your fabrics look wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe for the caramel corn and the pumpkin trivet design.

  113. Thanks for the great giveaways. So happy that popcorn is whole grain and therefore cancels out all calories, ....right? no matter what you do to it? sigh.. What a cute puppy look.

  114. I am just finishing a week on my bucket list which is the same as your #2. Husband and I have been from Boston to Bar Harbor, Maine and everything in between this week. It has all been beautiful and the fall colors have started. Don't miss the Wyeth Art Center in Rockland, Maine, my fav artist Andrew Wyeth and "Christina's World". Been to some nice quilt shops too!!

  115. What beautiful fabric ! I hope I am the lucky winner :-D

  116. We have the same thing on our bucket list Jan - I want to go to Alaska and see the whales too! I have to tell you I did tour the New England states and Maine...but it was cut short because of 9-11-2001.....we had flown into Boston and had airline tickets to fly out of there on 9-13 - didn't happen - we had to drive home.

  117. What beautiful fabric!!!! Thanks for the chance to win some!

  118. I love your fabric, and "Together" is particularly lovely. And the trivet is the perfect project for the bag of bay leaves I bought at the Amish store over the Summer!

  119. Love your blog! It's my first time visiting. That fabric line is just gorgeous...i want some!

  120. love your dog:) thanks for the chance win!!

  121. I love your Together fabric line. Thanks for a chance to win some. Spike is too cute for words, who could resist that face?! Can't wait to try out the trivet pattern, many thanks for sharing.

  122. Love the fabric, its beautiful. I want to try your trivet idea, I bet it smells really good. Thanks for the pattern and the chance to win.

  123. Oh that carmel corn looks so yummy.
    Thanks for designing such wonderful fabric and patterns!

  124. I have two labs, who think that they are suppose to test drive (sleep) the quilts I make. Thank you for the chance to win your beautiful collection.

  125. The collection looks fabulous. I knew you would have a neat project for us. Hope you enjoy your trip to Des Moines. I was able to take a trip to New England in October was wonderful. I hope you can go someday.

  126. My husband loves cranberries so I can't wait to try the popcorn. Thanks for the recipe and pattern.

  127. What lovely fabrics and cool project! love anything fall! Enjoy your trip. My quilty pleasure is sneaking a walk with just my dogs!

  128. Thanks for the giveaway, pattern, and recipe. Cute story/pics of your dog! My maine coon cat, is brown and white, so no matter what she sits on, she's bound to leave fur that will show! And she loves quilts or blankets to cuddle up on. I have a couple of fleece lap blankets that are easy to wash that are hers. (Sigh, as well as the quilts...)

  129. The caramel corn sounds wonderful. I have those same trips on my bucket list. Hope we both get to mark them done.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe and pattern.

  130. Maybe they need to have the market in New England. You have to do the second. I grew up in Boston and I absolutely miss the fall there now that I live in Kansas.

  131. Your caramel corn recipe sounds yummy! Your fabrics are gorgeous. Thank you for the recipe and for the pattern. Wonderful shares. Have a great weekend.

  132. Never seen popcorn my family didn't love! Can't wait to try this recipe.... Beautiful fabrics.

  133. I always love your fabrics, and have collected quite a few over the years!

    Thanks for the pattern and giveaway chance.

  134. Popcorn sounds yummy. Thanks for the chance to win.

  135. Popcorn sounds yummy and cute pumpkin pattern.

  136. Ohhh!!! I can't wait to try the caramel corn. It looks delicious!!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  137. Yummy caramel corn.....
    Yummy fabric........

    And I love the look on Furbaby Spike's face lol...

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  138. Thank you for the trivit pattern and the chance to win your pretty fall fabric. You captured your dog's 'expression' perfectly. Hope this posts. Google blogger is not working for me.

  139. Your fabrics and designs are always fabulous, and I could really put one of those prizes to good use! My cats love my quilts as much as your dog loves yours!

  140. Thank you for the lovely giveaway of your fabrics. The pumpkin on the trivet is cute. Over the past week have stopped by to look at all of those sweet Fall quilts you've posted, and the recipes too. Hope your trip is smooth and fun.

  141. I love popcorn! A treat almost as good as a give-away!

  142. What great country memories you have. Thanks for sharing. And that carmel corn looks super delicious. I'm not familiar with Together but the colors look awesome - very fallish. Thanks for the chance to win some.

  143. Popcorn looks really yummy! So does your new fabric, would love a chance to win. Thanks so much!

  144. Those fabrics your are giving away are just lovely. I sure would be happy to be one of the winners! Of course, Moda are my favorite fabrics too.
    The leaves here in Maine are already starting to turn. Hope you get to fullfil your bucket list and come here someday. When you do, would be great to get to visit you at one of our shops. We certainly have some lovely ones to chose from.

  145. Spike is just adorable - if he could only talk!

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  146. I can't wait to try that popcorn. It looks so yummy!! Spike is so cute! Thank you for the give away ans have fun at your Festival!!

  147. Spike is adorable! Thank you for the fun giveaway, pattern and recipe.

  148. Spike is so cute! I think he would love to play with my 3 year old GSP Q*bert...who is also spoiled rotten.

  149. Thanks for the chance to win. I love the primitive you have at the top of the page BTW.

  150. What a great idea to put bay leaves into a fabric trivet! Spike looks so cute, especially when he's been told 'no'! Thanks for the chance to win.

  151. Thanks for sharing the cute pumpkin.

  152. Yes, the caramel corn sure looks delicious. And, going to bed with a good book and chocolate, or even a hot chocolate drink, sounds simply heavenly. might have to try that trivet, never thought of feeling it with bay leaves to get the smell when you place something hot on it.

  153. Love the new line of fabric - the red is wonderful. Thanks♥

  154. i love the craft idea - would make a great gift. Thanks for a fun post!

  155. Those fabrics are gorgeous! BTW, when did you get our dog? Our dog looks EXACTLY like Spike. The difference is ours is a boxer. They even look the same as puppies and the black markings are identical. Boomer has the lip thing going too, and the "look". We get the look all the time. lol

  156. Thank you for the triv pattern and the chnc to win your fabric. So glad I checked back and got to get recipe amNd see your blog. Had trouble early this am!

  157. The new together collection of fabric is wonderful, it definitely says fall. Thank you also for the caramel corn recipe and the trivet pattern. I can't wait until it is time to go to the pumpkin patch to get my pumpkins.

  158. Love the new fabrics. Thanks for the recipe and the hop!

  159. Together is beautiful,the trivet is so cute, and the popcorn looks delicious. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  160. Thanks for the recipe and pattern! Hope you have a fabulous Quilt Market!

  161. Love the fall fabric line, for the pattern and a chance at the giveaway. Favorite Fair Food:
    funnel cakes. Bucket list: England, Ireland & Greece. Keep up the good work!

  162. Love your new line, thanks for the chance!

  163. Love your fabric. Thanks for the recipe. We just
    had store bought carmel corn. I will try your recipe. Looks yummy.

  164. great post Jan :) thanks for a chance to win - laurie

  165. Should you want to hold a sneak drawing early, you could give me my prize at the AQS show. I'll look for you 'cause I'll be there too - I live in DSM.

  166. Your dog is so cute. How can you resist that face? Thanks for the giveaway!

  167. What yummy caramel corn and fabrics!
    Connie F

  168. Love the pic of Spike after being told no! Thanks for the chance to win.

  169. I love your fabric!! And the carmel corn looks so good!! Love your puppy, too!! Thanks for the really cute project!

  170. i love your fabric and your designs. thanks.

  171. Even though we just got home from a nice dinner out and I'm stuffed, I so want to run into my kitchen and make that popcorn NOW! How funny I just bought dried cranberries at the apple orchard we visited prior to our dinner too. Now if I just had some almonds. Darn. I LOVE making my own caramel corn and have been doing it for many, many years. I have never made this recipe and I have to say that one of my favorite things during the Fall and Winter is Cranberry Orange bread so this caramel corn with those two flavors HAS to be wonderfully addicting. Thanks so much for this recipe. I know this will be printed out and taped to the inside of my cupboard to be made a lot this winter.

    The fabric is very pretty too. The Mauve colors are gorgeous.

  172. Your fabric is great--I'd love to be the winner! But I really like Spike's "I'm feeling sorry for myself" expression after you told him 'no'! Sometimes its amazing how much like people they are!!

  173. Your carmel corn looks yummy! Thanks for the recipe. Funny you mentioned a trip to Alaska on your bucket list. Just today, my son called and said he had a job offer from Alaska. Looks like a trip there is in my future! Thanks for a chance at your giveaway.

  174. I have to try the carmel corn ! Kiss Spike for me !

  175. You have a unique take on carmel corn. I'm sure the cranberries make it healthy! Thanks for the giveaway. Kathie L in Allentown

  176. I really like your new fabric line and the pop corn sounds yummy! Autumn is my favorite season and I suspect the pop corn tastes like "autumn". Also think Spike is the cutest dog!

  177. I enjoy the flavor of bay leaves in cooking --- am guessing I will equally enjoy their fragrance in the trivet --- thanks for the great pattern and also the recipe.

  178. Spike is growing! Love the popcorn recipe!

  179. The fabric is beautiful but Spike is absolutely adorable! I love his abashed face. I just want to grab him and give him a cuddle.

  180. Hello! Absolutely love your designs more and more. Fell in love at first sight of "Snowbound" in a local quilt shop. Love your themes of farm, home, country and animals!! Happy Fall!

  181. The popcorn recipe sounds good. The trivet pattern would be good to make up as Christmas presents. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your fabric give away. Robert, from northern Iowa.

  182. The fabric looks beautiful. Hopefully will get to see it in person next weekend in Des Moines at the AQS show. I also know I will be making your popcorn recipe for a retreat I'm going to in October. Sounds yummy!

  183. Great fabric line of course! And that trivet is darling. But my favorite part...Spike...he is too cute!

  184. Your caramel corn recipe looks so yummy!! Thanks for the giveaway! j-j-s AT juno DOT com

  185. Can't wait to try the caramel corn. Love your fabric and patterns. I have a big basket of your patterns waiting to be done.

  186. Love your fabrics - they are gorgeous!! Love spike too - what a cutie pie! I think he needs his very own quilt though - how could you say no to that face! Priceless picture :) I have 3 doggies too and they get away with a lot as well, but they give me a lot of love and are good company too! Thanks for the chance at your giveaway! I hope you have a great trip and thanks also for the trivet pattern. Great idea to put the eucalyptus inside!

  187. Your new fabric line "Together" and I belong "Together." So nice!!!!

  188. I love the fabrics and would love to win. Thank you. Take care and God bless, Cory

  189. I could definitely see these fabrics in my home!!! I will surely make the project....maaaaybe with the fabrics I win. LOL

  190. Love the new fabric range. Thanks for the pattern.

  191. Scrumptious fabric!! Cute pattern, thank you for sharing.

  192. Thanks for the chance to win the fabric. Thank you also for the pattern.

  193. Love your fabrics and would be overjoyed to have some to create with.

  194. Thanks for the chance to win- great fabrics. And great caramel corn recipe!

  195. Love the fabric! The recipe sounds so yummy!
