Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 2 - Books and Change of Christmas Plans

Max called last night as I was falling asleep to say that he and Michele and Cullen and Quinn were going to have to do their Christmas with us this morning instead of Thursday. Michele is working at Sears and they switched her days off. Oh My! I'm not quite ready.
So I'm up in the middle of the night changing the tablecloth, wrapping one last present and blogging. (I can run the sweeper in the morning.)

This will be short and sweet. Day 2 is Books. All books (excepting Quiltmania and KC Star books) under $15.00 are $5.00 off and all books from 15 - 30 are $10.00 off. And we'll still do it manually. When you purchase the patterns at store the checkout will charge you the regular price. Then Byron will refund your PayPal Account the amount of the discount. Or call Tori at 816-632-7632 to place your order and charge it to your credit card there. You can leave the order on the Voicemail if you see this after hours. And type in "Holiday" or mention it on the phone and get free shipping to the continental US for all orders over $30.00. And ladies, that's the discounted price, not the one that will show up on your checkout order. This just get's so confusing - we'll wing it if you're within a dollar or two. Goodsie (our store) is working on getting it so we can give discounts for particular types of products but for now it's a little confusing.

I'm off to wrap and figure something out for a quick brunch.
Have a nice day .... I will.