Thursday, September 22, 2016

September Fest 9-22 thru 9-24-2016


It's Finally here and it isn't raining.  
My husband would add "Yet".  
I would say "Thank God".

Anyway, I hope you can come.  If you can't we'll add a free pattern to any order we get in the next 3 days to try to take care of our "online" friends.  There's also a kit for the little quilt -21" x 24" in our store by clicking here.

If you are coming, here are the directions from I-35 and from Hamilton.

If you're coming from North or South on 1-35 go East on Highway 36 for approximately 1 1/2 miles to Sale Barn Road. Turn right on Sale Barn. If you're coming from Hamilton on 36 it's about 10 1/2 miles from Hamilton to Sale Barn Road and you turn left on Sale Barn. Take Sale Barn south for approximately 6 miles (it turns into Buck Road somewhere along the way but just stay on the same road headed south until you come to a T - which is Last Dr.). Turn right on Last Dr. & we're the first house on the left- (look for the balloons)
Come up the drive to the barn. :)

Hope to see you soon.

1 comment:

  1. I would LOVE to be there but I live across the country...... :(((((
