Friday, February 17, 2017

Blockheads Fabric Packs

What Fun!  Lots of people seem to be joining our Quilt Along for Moda Blockheads.

Luckily I chose fabrics I had in stock so there will be a few substitutions but not many;.
Also Luckily the Blockhead patterns don't start going up until March 8th so we have time to cut more.
We'll get them to you asap so please be patient.  
We'll make sure you have them by the time the first pattern goes up as long as you get your order in by the March 1st.
And you can always catch up if you don't order in time;.  It's only a 6" block.  :):):)


  1. Can't find your "follow" button. Love your fabrics.

  2. I need a bundle for BOW, how do I order one?

  3. Same question. How to sign up, get prices etc. Watch your tutorials with Jenny and am hooked on needleturn applique. You do beautiful work lady!

  4. I would like to order a fabric bundle for do I do that? thanks.

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