Wednesday, April 19, 2017

It's Wednesday - Time for

Moda Blockheads Block #7
Penny Basket by Lynne of Kansas Troubles

You can download the pattern from Lynne's blog by going to 

I made my block using Lynne's fabric line Thistle Farm and I really like it.

We're home from the hospital!
Pep has a new hip made out of cobalt chrome, ceramic and plastic.
I'm not at all sure how Dr. Bruce got it in with only about a 6" incision but he did 
and it's working very well.
Pep was up and walking the next morning and doing his physical therapy.

And I came home with 3 appliquéd blocks, mostly done while waiting for things to happen.  
We got to the hospital at 8:30 AM and his surgery started at 2:00 PM.
Hurry Up and Wait was about the norm but I had brought along lots of things to stitch :).

And speaking of stitching, probably I should answer a couple of the questions we've been supposed to  be answering.

Needles:  I use Milliners, Size 8 or 9 with large eyes so I can thread them.  I think it's very important to use needles that are long enough to fit in your hand comfortably and don't bend when you sew.  I mainly use Clover or Richard Hemming needles.

Thread:  I use 60 to 80 wt thread because it hides the stitches well.  I use Efina 60wt 2ply 100% Egyptian Cotton distributed by Sue Spargo and Aurifil 80 wt thread distributed by Moda.  I use them both due to color choice.   And of course, you always match the thread to the item being appliquéd, not the background.

And now is a good time to jump over to the other designers and see that they've done with Lynne's block.

See you next week.


  1. Good to hear that everything went well with Pep's surgery wishing him a speedy recovery.

  2. glad to know Pep is doing well - keep up therapy!

  3. Well, to begin with he insisted on going down the stairs to his bedroom the first night he was home. And of course then he had to come back up the stairs in the morning. So he's pretty well caught up with the therapy.

  4. Glad to hear surgery went well! So much waiting! For you and for him. Hoping he feels better and keeps moving. Prayers for you both.
