Wednesday, January 17, 2018

And 46 - Last one for me.

I'm definitely going to miss doing this each week.
It has become part of my quilting routine.

Block #46
Cat and Dog.

To download the pattern for Rufus and Dobby
(and for Dueces & Elizabeth)
click here.

I've gone over this with all of my recent blocks but since there are
still new people joining Blockheads, I'll go over the first few steps
and then refer you to my You Tube Tutorial on animals.  And as you
can see there's a cat block in my new teaching quilt - Pleasant Grove Primer.
Click on picture in the top box at the left for details.

To start making your block, trace the pattern on the matte side of
freezer paper and cut it out on the lines.

Iron the pattern shiny side down on your fabric.

Place the fabric on a sandpaper board and trace around the
pattern with a marking pencil.
This is your stitching line.

Cut the cat and dog out with about an 1/4" seam allowance.
Clip points and curves up to the drawn line.

Now I'm going to refer you to my tutorial on "And Kitty Makes Three" 
that covers how to appliqué animals - legs, tails, ears, etc. in depth.
To watch the tutorial, click here.

And here is the little Mini Quilt Kit that you can win if you make a comment
before Block 47
and the Random Number generator picks your number.

Or you can buy one by clicking here. 
I loved the Pieced Block hanger above the appliqué block.
Fits Blockheads perfectly, don't you think.

We do have a black cat named Dueces, a white bulldog named Elizabeth
a white cat names Rufus + a black Pembrook Corgi named Dobby.

Early last Fall I went to Golden Colorado to film a teaching series on
Needleturn Appliqué for The Quilting company.

 This is the Pleasant Grove Primer Quilt and it covers a lot of the
techniques and "challenges" you'll find in Needleturn Applique.
Click on the name or the picture in the box at the top of the left column to get the details.
One thing I really like about it is that you get to download the course -
 it's yours - so you can stop and go back over things as many
times as you wish.

If you sign up before the launch date of February 2nd 
and use the code JAN10
you'll get 10% off.

Now to back up to the Name for the 2018 Mystery Quilt.

There were so many good ones that as usual it was hard to pick
but I finally settled on
Midnight Garden.

Susanne, if you'll email Tammie at and
give her your snail mail info, your first block with arrive in February.

And for those of you emailing about the 2017 MQ Quilt, the last block,
assembly page and borders go out this month if it ever thaws
out enough for things to move - it's supposed to start getting
warmer here tomorrow so we should be good to go.

Now - lets go see what the other designers did with the cat & dog.

Lynne -

Have a great week ladies and meet me back here next Wednesday for Week #47.


  1. Midnight Garden is the perfect name for this mystery quilt! Wish I had thought of it! :-)
    Love the Pleasant Grove Primer quilt too! I'll check out the details for the series. You are the main reason I enjoy needle turn appliqué so much! I've been watching your tutorial videos since the very first one you posted about here on the blog. Thank you! Of course...your designs (and fabrics) also make appliqué that much MORE enjoyable too! :-)

    1. I'm really glad you like the fabric and patterns and that the tutorials have been a help. I really enjoy appliqué and want to help others like it as much as I do. I's so soothing at the end of the day to sit and stitch.

  2. Your cat and dog are adorable! Mine will have to be called Cricket and Sugar for our calico cat and sweet golden retriever. The quilt hanger is perfect! Thanks, Jan, for all your great patterns!!

  3. I really like your cat and dog, Jan, and was hoping we would have one last applique project before this wonderful project ends. Thank you!!!

  4. Oooh, I haven't finished the cardinal yet. And we only have one dog in the family who doesn't like cats. Hmmm, I'll use the star from your last Blockhead pattern, since he is the family prince.

  5. Cute block and metal holder. We no longer have any pets but we have 2 grand dogs and a grand cat!

  6. Jan el perro y el gato son bonitos!!!
    Felicidades a Susanne

  7. I love the shape of your cat in this block. That hanger is really cute and is perfect for the mini. Please enter my name for the drawing. Thank you.

  8. Jan, I love the cat and dog appliqué. You are so generous with your teaching videos. I refer to them often.

  9. The hangar is perfect for all these great 6" blocks. The cat and dog would look so special in it. Thanks for sharing your pets with us!

  10. What a cute quilt block and kit. I'm thinking about all the cats that I've been fortunate to have as a part of my life. Would like to win a kit.

  11. I just love the colors in the sample block of your upcoming "Midnight Garden" quilt . . . think the whole thing is one of your best designs yet, actually! :)

    Just wanted to ask about the "January Special," though. When I click on it, it says "normally $11, now $11." What's special about that? :D

    I have already made the Patchwork Garden quilt anyway-- I remember you saw it in my Facebook post-- but I just thought I'd ask because I don't really understand how the specials work!

    1. I believe I said somewhere that we're having issues with our store and will have a new one in place by the end of the month. I just went and changed it back to $7.00. Let's see if it will hold this time.

  12. I love animals, especially cats! Your design is adorable!

  13. I love this block! The cat reminds me of my black cat Lando. The dog reminds me of my dog Ernie, although he was a blonde Husky. Thanks for the great pattern!

  14. I'm making a black cat and a brown dog ... so cute!

  15. We have 2 dogs & 1 cat so I'll be adding a 2nd dog if there's room. Can't play favorites!! :)

  16. Love this block! I'll be sad when Blockheads is over, too. It's been a fun series (even if I'm a bit behind). Midnight Garden looks beautiful, even on paper!

  17. I love your style and can almost always tell your patterns. I haven't been able to keep up with all the monthly blocks, but love applique!

  18. HI Jan - the block is not available for down load here anymore - can you tell me where I can get it
