Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Day 11 - Final Quilts of Tabletop Turnabouts

The winner of the signed copy of
Tabletop Turnabouts from
the Midnight Serenade post is
Marsha B who said
"I can't wait for the book to come out,
everything in it is so adorable."

Well thank you Marsha.
And thanks to all who have taken
the time and energy to comment.

And I'm sorry there has been a lag 
between some of the posts.
1) It's almost time for Market which
means we are busy, busy, busy
2) I got the scans of the fabric for
my next line and started designing quilts.

Once I start designing a quilt it kind of
takes over and doesn't let go until
the quilt is at least resolved in my mind.
It doesn't have to be finished but I
need to know that it's going to work.

So Marsha, will you please email Tammy 
your snail mail address and and she will send 
your signed copy of the book.

Now for this week, make a comment and this time 
the random number generator will pick someone to win
  a Table Stand.

And thanks for coming along with 
Martingale and me on this
journey through the quilts in
Tabletop Turnabouts.

Keep quilting ladies.  :)


  1. Thanks for showing all the goodness in your new book.

  2. Thank you, I am so excited I won the book. It is one I really want in my bookcase! The blog posts have been fun, I can hardly wait to see the beautiful book!

  3. Oh Jan a new fabric line!!! That is wonderful!!! Can't wait to see!!! Have a lot of fun designing more beautiful quilts, aaaawwwww!!!

  4. You keep busy sew we can enjoy all your creative beauty.

  5. I've loved seeing all the Tabletop Turnabouts!

  6. These are all lovely quilts and a table stand would be great to hold them!

  7. It would be wonderful to win a tabletop stand! (I would no longer be sticking pins in my walls to display these small quilts.) Thanks so much! And I hope you enjoy Market this year!

  8. I will be patiently waiting for your book to arrive in my mailbox!

  9. This table stand is perfect for your darling quilts. What fun!

  10. Turnabout + Table Stand = Perfection! Thank you for the fun offerings in anticipation of your book release.

  11. How exciting -- the new fabric scans are out and you are designing all of the new quilts! Oh what fun, I cannot wait to see them.

  12. You do wonderful quilts : )

  13. I would love to win a tabletop stand! My little quilts would be beautiful on it!

  14. To win a table top stand would be lovely. I have actually just started hand applique and admit I need practice. I have so far 2 of you pattern and also purchased some of the supplies you have on your site. I enjoyed the videos on the Missouri Star Quilt Co. website of you and Jenny. Thank you for you various You Tube videos which do help tremendously.

    Mary S.

  15. Such a marvelous idea ! A 'table top stand' to display your cute little quilts !
    Love your mail-posts every week.

  16. Anxiously waiting until your book arrives!!! If I were to win the table top stand, I would be ready to get stitchin.

  17. شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض
    تمتلك افضل الطرق والمعدات في تنظيف الواحدات الداخلية والخاريجة للمكيفات توفر تنظيف المكيفات الاسبلت الفريون الكاست شركة غسيل مكيفات توفر خدمة تعبئة الفريون بسعر مميز شركة نظافة مكيفات تساعد علي رفع كفاءة التشغيل مرة اخري

    شركة تنظيف موكيت بالرياض
    نقدم خدماتنا مثل غسيل الموكيت والسجاد وغيرها فالهدف الاول هو راحة العملاء و اكتساب ثقتهم مهما تكلف الامر مع ضمان جودة الخدمات المقدمه و
    سرعة انجازها بكل سهوله و امان و على احدث و افضل الاساليب.

    شركة تنظيف شقق بالرياض
    الشقق هى جزء من الفلا او هى احد الاجناحة بالفلا التى قد يمتلكها احد الاشخاص بالعائلة فهى له جانب كبير من الاهتام من خلل شركتنا والتى دائما لها خبرة كبيرة فى مجال النظافة وهنا جاء دور شركة تنظيف الشقق بالرياض .

    افضل شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض فنحن نقدم خدماتنا المتميزة في رش المبيدات الى المنازل والفلل والمحلات التجارية والفنادق المختلفه حيث تعتمد الشركة على مجموعه من المبيدات الآمنه والفعالة والموثوق فيها بإعتماد وزارة الصحة السعودية.

    لذلك تحرص شركتنا ارخص شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض كأفضل الشركات الموجودة فى الرياض على التخلص من جميع الأفات الشرسه مثلا الفئران وغيرها من القوارض التى من الممكن ان تكون سبب فى تدمير اغراض اى منزل او قد تسبب بعض الامراض اونقلها.

  18. Cute table top quilts! Would love the stand to display them!

  19. It would be a delight to win a tabletop stand. That means I would have to make a quilt to fit it. LOL

  20. I have just the right spot for a tabletop stand.
