Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Happy Blockheads Wednesday - again :)

Starting the day with appliqué -
well, really embroidery.

This is the Heart & Hand block
from this year's Mystery Quilt and it will
need the words embroidered on
"Hands to Work'
Hearts to God"
I'll do that while I'm drinking my coffee
and watching the news on Fox.

Last night I went to the chicken house to check 
on my chickens and gather eggs.  

Luckily my grandsons are coming up this
weekend because I've been getting around 14 eggs
every night.  Cullen and Quinn just love
scrambled eggs and toast for either breakfast or lunch.

I'm not sure what breed the white rooster is - 
he came when some people moved out and left their 
chickens and the shelter called me to see if I'd
take them.  I just love his comb -it's awesome.

My Lavender Orpington rooster had a
pretty neat comb too and my
 Silver laced orpington lays lots of eggs.

Tammy and her fiancé have a new puppy.

Her name is Nova (I hope) and she comes

to work with Tammy every day.
She and Elizabeth are great friends.
Dobby, on the other hand, isn't quite 
sure what to do with a bouncy puppy.

Since Halloween is coming, the
Kit Nip box came with a velvet cape
along with the catnip toys.
Sam I Am wasn't sure about it

but Chantilly thought it was very nice.
Her name is Chantilly because she
has such a pretty face.

Our Vintage book this month is Country Paths 
and will be on sale for 1/2 price all month.

Tammy had to leave early to go to the Post
Office so  it may not be in the store yet
and we didn't have time to pick
the kit that's on sale. The book will be in the store 
tomorrow but you can email her at 
if you just have to order it today.
Be sure to come back tomorrow to
see what kit's on sale.
Meanwhile,  keep stitching ladies.


1 comment:

  1. I find it odd that people's comments on a quilting blog are about herpes?
