Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

                                                              Usually I start my blog off with

                                                        a picture of what I'm working on now.

This is our new refrigerator.  The last Thursday in

                     March, Pep said that either one of us wasn't getting
                     the freezer door closed or there was something wrong
                     with the fridge.  It was the fridge.    Since we got it 
                     Sears, we called them on Friday.  They said they'd have
                     a repairman come out on Monday.  We transferred the 
                     frozen stuff to our small freezer in the barn and brought
                     down 2 coolers to fill with ice for the rest of the stuff.   
                     After surviving the weekend living out of the coolers 
                     the repairman got here Monday and informed us that it
                     couldn't be fixed, it was too old and they don't make parts 

                      for it anymore.  

                      So Pep measured the space -- we bought

                      a new one and Jeff and Pep got it into the kitchen.

We couldn't open the pantry door.

We tried turning the door around and it would fit but

        the angle was wrong.  Pep and I couldn't fit through very well.

 Also there had been a button on the door frame that

turned the light off when the door closed.

Jeff (our handyman who lives in a trailer on

the farm) had a switch in his "inventory" so now

we can turn the light on and off.

The door space was unusual so we did a search

for "accordion doors".  We ordered one.  The order

was cancelled the next day due to "issues with the

seller".    We ordered another.  The same thing happened.

The 3rd time was a charm.  The door came and Jeff installed it.

We have light in the pantry, ice in the freezer and

food in the fridge instead of in a cooler on the deck.

But instead of working on quilts last week, I

got my kitchen back in working order.

Now for the fun part.

The Vintage book for April is Garden Spirit.

and our special for last week was 

the Birdhouse table runner for 20% off the kit.

 You can get your copy of the book for half price

and the kit for 20% off by clicking here.

And now that my house is back in order, I've

had time to start designing a little.

We're not doing a Mystery Quilt this year but 

instead are doing 4 smaller "Quilt of the Quarters

Here's the one for Spring.  I'll do the fabric next week.

The special this week is the pattern for the 
Birds and Bunnies BOM

It will probably be on special next week too since
this is so late.

Now I've got to go take care of the chickens and the
barn cat Muffin.

Have the best week with the People and quilts that you love most.

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