Friday, April 5, 2024

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

On Friday this week.

This has been quite a week

and I haven't been fond of it.

When I got up this morning I found

my beloved puppy Dobby had died during

the night.  Tammy and Willy came

shortly and Willy buried him in our pet

cemetery behind the barn.  I miss him

already and so does Elizabeth.

On a somewhat happier note, Willy 

got the baby chickens moved to their new

house and they are cozy and safe and sound.

Tammy will get here soon and help me

remember how to download the pictures so

I can show them to you.

Meanwhile our sale item this week is the

table stand kit for "April Please"

You can order your kit 
by clicking here.

The boys have decided that even though they've taken off
lots of time already they will go to both memorials for Pep.

Now, have the best week with the people and the 
quilts that you love, and I'll see you next week
which hopefully will be lots better.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about your Dobby. I have a Dobby too but he's a white long haired Chihuahua. I had a tri corgi and he was the best dog ever.
