Tuesday, August 20, 2024

HAPPY GIRL GANG WEDNESDAY on Tuesday this week


The year is moving along -

It's almost Fall


fall means Pumpkins

so lets make a quilt with pumpkins to get ready.

How about the

Purple Pumpkin Patch BOM?

For me that always means a trip to
James port, Mo because that's where I
always get my pumpkins.  I 
doubt if they have any purple ones
but they always have lots of orange ones
and that will be fine with me.  I have
lots of purple fabric to make the purple
stars and pumpkins,
I don't think we have any kits 
but if you need some purple fabric, 
let me know and I'll sell you some.

You can go to the store to get your pattern by 

clicking here.

Now have the best week with the people and quilts that

you love and I'll see you  next week 


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