Sunday, April 12, 2009

You can tell that I'm just trying to figure things out in this blog posting stuff.  I can't figure out how to go back and edit things.  That was supposed to say -" My sister Nancy and I took the 4 grandkids to church in Kansas City" - neither of us would take them all by ourselves.  We weren't born yesterday by a longshot.  


  1. You're doing a great job so far! When you are signed into blogger, on your Dashboard, there is a link to Edit Posts under your blog name. Click that link and it will take you to all the posts that you have posted so far. You can then click on the Edit link to the left of the post you wish to edit. Make your changes then click the publish button. This will update your changes on your the post you edited. Hope this helps! Keep it up!

  2. Thanks. I just am not very good at figuring these kind of things out. I couldn't get it to let me type so I probably left out a step. Oh and I write these in Word first but if I try to copy and paste, it pastes somewhere down below and doesn't show up when I post it. And, and, and - I have lots of questions. I can't get my pictures to go under the post - just on top - that's why I went back and posted so many times. I really wanted the forsythia on top, then the chickens and the pillow - then the words, then the Easter egg hunt. Have you ever considered the fact that you might be a genius? :) I was one frustrated cookie last night.

  3. I agree with what Angela said -- it works for me and I am definitely blog challenged!
    Now if I could just find out how to put one of the underlined links in my blog -- it didn't work and I thought I followed directions.

  4. Hi Jan, I am very excited that you have started blogging. You will find tons of helpful people in Blogland. Loading pictures can be difficult. The easiest way is to load them in the order that you want them to be posted. Sometimes I load mine one at a time so I am sure where they will land. Then you write what you want to say under each photo. Also some servers work better than others for this. Internet Explorer seems to be best for me, tho my granddaughter wants me to get hooked into Firefox or something. It is good to have a granddaughter!

  5. Oh--another thing, you can answer most bloggers directly rather than adding a comment to your own blog, if you have your comments go to your email acct.
