I was so excited today to get an email from Mathilde at Quiltmania. They had posted the videos of the show in Nantes this spring.
Here's my House. It was such an awesome experience. And this week if you preorder (we're expecting more books any day now) a copy of Country Quilts for your Soul you can get a Monkey Wrench kit for 15% off - It's the large quilt behind the bed. You'll need to email Byron at janpatekquilts@yahoo.com to order the book and the kit together. We still haven't figured out coupons :).
The only quilt in my "House" not in the book is the one on the bed. It's Jubilee which was on the cover of Quiltmania awhile ago. They had made one for the magazine cover and brought it to put on the bed. Here's Jubilee.
I take that back, the other quilt that is pictured in the book and video that doesn't have patterns in the book is The Bible Quilt. If you want to make it, you can order it here.

They also posted the interview with me but it's overdone in French so I can't really hear me much.
If you can put up with not really being able to hear what I say while looking into the sun -(I'm saying that I developed a style of needleturn applique that allows me to do the designing and prep work during the day and then applique at night while I watch TV and then in the morning while I drink my coffee). If you can wade your way through that, I'm starting to teach a star. Then Valerie translates to the class and it was great to see and hear her again.
If you want to see the other "Houses" and interviews go to www.pour-l-amour-du-fil.com/pages/videos-edition-2011.php.
All in all, an awesome experience - fond, fond, memories. I can't thank them enough.
And many thanks to Laurie Simpson who told me how to put the videos in my blog - while teaching a workshop, even.