Spinning into Spring
by Linzee McCray

And the tulips in the garden are showing off.
Out front two does come down
each morning to munch at the bird feeder.

Grandson Cullen still has to
wear his boot for this broken leg
most of the time but still was able to
help rake the garden paths - taking
off his awesome letter jacket, of course.
I've been working on some blocks
from this year's Mystery Quilt - Garden Party.
One of the blocks has a tree with blossoms
so I thought I'd do a little tutorial on sewing
rows of circles "or blossoms"
Glue the blossoms to the background.
Start stitching at the bottom edge of the lower
blossom in a row and stitch around one side, go under the
background to the next blossom and stitch up the side of
that blossom. When you get to the top blossom in that
row, stitch around the blossom and go under the background
to the next blossom down. This way you can stitch the
entire row of blossoms without stopping and tying off.
It makes sewing berries or blossoms much easier.
And in the spirit of Spring, Jeff hung
JENELLE KENT - https://www.piecestotreasure.com/blog
LAURIE SIMPSON - http://minickandsimpson.blogspot.com
ANNE SUTTON- https://bunnyhillblog.com
BARBARA GROVES - MODA - https://my.modafabrics.com/tags/blockheads-4
LINZEE – https://linzeekullmccray.com/blog
LISA B - https://lisabongean.com
KATE SPAIN - https://kdspain.com/thedrawingboard
BRIGITTE HEITLAND - https://www.brigitteheitland.de/blog
CHELSI STRATTON - https://chelsistratton.wordpress.com
JACKIE MACDONALD - https://sweetfireroad.com/blog/
DEBBIE MADDY - https://www.debbiemaddy.com/blogs/musings-of-a-fiber-fanatic
YOU - http://janpatek.blogspot.com
CRYSTAL MANNING - https://crystalmanningart.com/blogs/blog
TAMMY V - MODA - https://my.modafabrics.com/tags/blockheads-4
CAMILLE ROSKELLEY - https://camilleroskelley.typepad.com
BETSY CHUTCHIAN - http://betsysbestquiltsandmore.blogspot.com
ROBIN PICKENS - https://www.robinpickens.com
STACY IEST HSU - https://www.stacyiesthsu.com/blog/jann
JANET CLARE - http://janetclare.co.uk/blog/
SHERRI MCCONNELL - https://www.aquiltinglife.com
BRENDA RIDDLE - https://brendariddledesigns.com/blogs/newss
VANESSA CHRISTENSON - https://vanessachristenson.com/blog/
VANESSA GOERTZEN - https://blog.lellaboutique.com
COREY YODER - https://corianderquilts.com
MICHELLE WHITE - MODA - https://my.modafabrics.com/tags/blockheads-4
JOANNA FIGUEROA - https://blog.figtreeandcompany.com