1) Bonnie of Cotton Way
2) Kaari of French General
3) Liesl of Oliver and S
4) Karla of Sweetwater and
5) Ellen of The Long Thread
They've really got some neat stuff for you.

Back here I'd like you to meet Byron (or Max to his dad & I). Here he is with sons Quinn & Cullen. (Quinn had decided he didn't want his picture taken.) Byron does all of the computer work - first of all figuring out how to make the new updated Quickbooks work, then invoicing and charging all of the clubs and orders. Then he emails the invoices to Tori who ships them out. He does all of this while going to school and raising 2 very active boys. And he is greatly helped in the raising, etc. by his significant other Michele. Michele is the one who makes things "download" and figures out how to get my fabric as a background on the blog. Together, they're a pretty good team as well as being pretty nice individually.
When I asked him which kit he wanted to put on special he replied that he wanted one with eggs or chickens or devils - something to go with his Deviled Egg recipe. I've had some chicken kits (Flags & Chickens & Kids) and a little devil in the Trick or Treat kit but they're all sold out. So we decided on Blessings Baskets. The vines wouldn't be growing at this time of year, after all, so we can use the baskets to gather eggs. :) Use the promo code blessings15 for the discount and blessingsship for free shipping.
To download a copy of his recipe, click on the words. Well, it didn't work this time. We'll see what we can fix it to download tomorrow. I just love left brain stuff. :)
That's a cute photo! I am not really a fan of deviled eggs but I might have to try them with the bacon and sundried tomatoes...sounds yummy!