I've been grabbing a minute to read blogs at night before I fall into bed. I love reading the funny ones and the ones about the laid back Christmases - relaxing days Christmases - but not to be had here.

Christmas is a month long event for this household. With kids and grandkids living so near every weekend has something going on and most days of the week are filled with some quilting and some Christmas. One big weekend is the annual picking of the Christmas tree from the front pasture.

Jake and Pops go out and find a tree the right size and shape, cut it and trim the lower branches.

Then we brought it inside and the kids had hot chocolate and cookies. Meanwhile Pep and Jake got the tree in the stand and I put the lights on.
Usually I then slowly trim it but this year the kids drew lots of decorations so I only put up my antique balls and Eunice's (Pep's moms) angel. And of course they added lots of their decorations.
That was a day's work.

Last weekend we had our Christmas with Max and his 3. I made all of the little ones a small crayon tote using a pattern from Clothesline Quilts. Moda forgive me I got "Cars" and "Spongebob" fabrics to make the totes. I thought they were cute and the kids all love to color. My idea was to keep Cullen and Quinn's totes here so they could use them when we go to church. NOT! They played with them all afternoon, colored on the pads I put in them, read the book on "colors" I put in. They were definitely a hit . If I want ones to stay here for going to church, I'll make new ones.

Cullen is the "Cars" person - he was pretty easy to buy for this year. Quinn is the one with Mickey Mouse, Spongebob and Spiderman - a little more diverse. Aidan is pretty grown up at 7.

Kelly, Jake & Zoie will be here Christmas Eve and morning. Then Brian and Shannon and their 3 come Saturday.
A very full month - a very good month.
Meanwhile, I've been slowly but steadily working on the January wallhanging, Mini Quilt and the new Mystery Quilt. I have January's block ready to stitch. I'll take it with my tomorrow - no, it's today now - when I run down to Springfield to my brother's and pick up Zoie's Christmas puppy. Jim's a vet and he found us a Japanese Chin for her. I'll spend the night there while Pep says home and put's toys together. Then back to wrap and bake - and slow down some at night and early mornings to sit and stitch. God bless applique.
On New Year's Eve we stay at home and go to bed.
Merry Christmas and Happy Quilting to you all.