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Friday, October 18, 2024

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

It's October 18th

which is Pep and my Anniversary
so the pattern on sale today is

The Anniversary Quilt

I think that when Zoie sent out the email
she put both the "Anniversary Quilt" and
"Jan and Pep's Marvelous Adventure" on sale
so you may find both of them in the store.
If so, you can take your pick or buy
them both.  It has been 56 years since
we walked down the aisle and I must say,
I miss him terribly.

When you spend every day for 56 years
with someone their abscence leaves a 
big hole in your life.
And as I'm 80, I no longer have the energy to  design
6 or 7 quilts to promote a fabric line, so I don't design
fabric any more.
Luckily Deb Strain sends me jpgs of her latest
lines and right now I'm using her line "Red, White and
Bloom" to redo "American Spirit" and "Baskets, Berries
and Leaves"

Pep wanted to be cremated.  I bought a heart necklace
and put some of his cremains in it so now I have
part of him with me again and that is a great
comfort.  The box the necklace came in said 
"No longer by my side but always in my heart."

Meantime life does go on and we have an

election coming up and we all have to be 

sure to get out and vote.

So have the best week with the people and

quilts that you love and I'll see you next week.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

 On Friday this week.

And aren't we all glad we didn't 

live in the path of Helene.

Our prayers go out to all who did.

And thank you Samaratin's Purse and all 

of the other agencies that have stepped in to help.

I don't get into politics often but I will tell you 

that I was infuriated to learn that all the FEMA

money had been spent housing and feeding

illegal immigrants instead of being available

to take care of Americans.  After all it

was taxpayer money,

On a more pleasant note, we had Pep's

Memorial Service on the farm last week.

 We were married on October 18th fifty-six years ago 
so on the week of the 18th (3 weeks from today)
we'll put the pattern for the Anniversary Quilt
on sale.  For right now I just miss him
terribly and will put the Trick or Treat
pattern on sale.

Each block or costume stands for a grandchild

but I'll have to go get a pattern and tell you who

is who next week.

Meantime, have the best week with the people and

quilts that you love and I'll see you next week.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

And it's pumpkin time.

I just love pumpkin time

so our special this week, of course, has to

be a pumpkin quilt.  

 We've picked

    Jack Stack

And luckily we have a few

kits as well as some patterns.

To go to our store to buy 

your kit you can  click here.

Now, have the best week with the

people and quilts that you love and

I'll see you next week.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

And the year is really moving along.

Its Fall already and that means Thanksgiving

and Christmas will be here in no time.

While I'm working on my latest quilt 

(chock full of basket blocks), 

I had Tammy go up to the loft to find

me a Fall Tablestand and she came back


                                                                     Fall Favorites.

This is the front and I just love this turkey.

But before we get to Thanksgiving we have to have


                                                  The grandkids wouldn't want me to leave

that out, so this is the back.

I'm still working out getting to the kids houses but

I'll get there

One of my favorite things about Tablestands is

that I get to make 2 little quilts that kind of go

together but that can stand on their own.

Anyway, I hope you have a great week and

have fun with these quilts.  And of course the

kits are on sale this week.

You can go to the store to get your  quilt kit by 

clicking here.

Now have the best week with the people and quilts that

you love and I'll see you  next week 


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

HAPPY GIRL GANG WEDNESDAY on Tuesday this week


The year is moving along -

It's almost Fall


fall means Pumpkins

so lets make a quilt with pumpkins to get ready.

How about the

Purple Pumpkin Patch BOM?

For me that always means a trip to
James port, Mo because that's where I
always get my pumpkins.  I 
doubt if they have any purple ones
but they always have lots of orange ones
and that will be fine with me.  I have
lots of purple fabric to make the purple
stars and pumpkins,
I don't think we have any kits 
but if you need some purple fabric, 
let me know and I'll sell you some.

You can go to the store to get your pattern by 

clicking here.

Now have the best week with the people and quilts that

you love and I'll see you  next week 


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

We're having a Heat Wave in Cameron

so I decided to cool us off a bit

by doing a winter quilt

so our sale item this week is

Winter Wonderland.

I just love this little quilt.

Years ago I read something written by a quilter-
 I'm sorry,  I don't remember who.
But she said that you need 3 things to be happy
1. Someone to love
2. Something to do
3. Something to look forward to.

Well, I lost my main "someone to love" and am really glad
I'm a Christian (Missouri Synod Lutheran) because I 
know I will see him again when I die and go to heaven.
And of course my "something to do" is quilting.
I talked with Max last night and my "something to look
forward to" (besides eventually dying) is going to be staying
with Max one week a month, Jake one week the next 
month, and Zoie one week the following month.
That leaves me one week to stay at home and work with 
Tammy on quilts.  And since I mainly do appliqué, my
quilting will go with me.  
Kelly is here to take care of dogs and cats 
 and Willie is here to take care of my chickens.
When Pep and I got married we rented a house in
Kansas City and started looking for land between
Kansas City where my mother lived and Chillicothe
where his parents lived.  We found 80 acres in
Cameron and built our house here out of Midland Brick
and Tile, (Pep's dad's brick plant).  55 years later when he died,
the kids wanted me to move closer to them but leaving the
home we built together would be like losing him all over again.
For the first time since he died, I feel settled.  This will work.  I can 
have the home Pep and I built together and still have the 
comfort of relationship with my children.
Thank you Jesus for working this out for me.

You can go to the store to get your  quilt kit by 

clicking here.

Now have the best week with the people and quilts that

you love and I'll see you  next week 



Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

It's July and time to go


down by the Sea front

Down by the Sea back

I just love whales.

When I was in California visiting my Uncle Fred

and Aunt Grace they asked me what I would like to

do.  The first thing I told them was that I wanted to

go see the whales.  It was awesome.

And right now, making this little Tablestand

has got to be more fun that watching the Democrats

figure out what to do about Biden.  

You can go to the store to get your Tablestand quilt by 

clicking here.

Now have the best week with the people and quilts that

you love and I'll see you  next week when I'm supposed to

be getting some more baby chickens.    YAY!.