We took all of his "toys" and put them in a bowl on a chair -
in front of his favorite puppy.
He soon made short shrift of emptying the bowl - he just loves this chore - but
He does keep me occupied. The bowl and toys go with us when we head back for the computer. The toys are properly scattered again and he's asleep at my feet.
We've received our first shipment of my books and another is on the way. I really can't thank the ladies at Quiltmania enough for the stupendous job they did (and Guy for his photography - can't forget him). It is just loaded with patterns for 20 of my favorite quilts. The cost for a signed copy is only $52.50 (that's just $2.63 a pattern for each of the 20 quilts)
Right now we're having a sale of some of the kits of quilts that are in the book.
This is Blessings Baskets - regularly $149.95. It's on sale for $129.95 if you buy a signed copy of Country Quilts at the regular price . Email Byron at janpatekquilts@yahoo.com or call him at 816-632-7632. We still haven't figured out coupons for the store :( but we will someday.
Someday when I have 2 or 3 hours I will tell you all about all of the trouble we have been having with the mail since March. One good customer finally got an order yesterday that we shipped May 2oth. We're in Missouri - she's in Michigan. I got a call from a woman today who still hasn't gotten her Bible Quilt Block we shipped the same day. She lives in Massachusetts. One lady in Pennsylvania never got 3 orders we shipped in March & April. Yada, yada, yada! We have tried shipping through Stamps.com because they have tracking #'s. I found out yesterday from the hatchery where we get baby chickens that it doesn't do any good to use them because the post offices don't scan things in. She said the tracking # would show that the chicks were still in Lebanon, Mo. where the hatchery was. It did.
We have been mailing through our local post office for years and I know it's not them but there is a hitch in the get-along somewhere.
Here's what we're doing.
All orders over $75.00 are going UPS - they cost a little more but we don't have to keep replacing the kits.
We will still send the BOM's & Mini-Quilt, etc 1st class but we'll take them to another post office to mail them. It's not our post office, I know that, but it is probably the route they follow when they leave here. When we first started looking into the problem we were told things could hold for 2 - 3 days at each post office. It feels more like 6 or 7 days to us. We will continue to post under the picture on the side bar the date that we mail them so you can know.
Never let it be said that owning your own business isn't interesting. :)
To end on a less stressed note - here are our new soft and fuzzy baby chicks - 15 Buff Orpingtons and 20 Cornish Cross. I just love new baby things.
And I can't end the blog post without saying a big thank you to everyone who so kindly commented or sent me emails about Bully. They do ease the pain. I will probably always miss him - he was part of our family and a big part of my life for 11 years. Spike helps - new baby things do. So do friends.
Thank you again.
He is so cute, they do like to hide and hoard their toys.
ReplyDeleteLove that eagle, would be a nice quick piece to do up, need to go through my old books and see what I have with eagles.
My friend Claire will be SO happy to hear this...as we all will be!! The members in our guild have been eagerly waiting to see the first block from the quilt naming contest that she won in April/March! Take care and Happy Quilting!
Oh dear we love our pets, but they can be messy, we have two new kittens and they sure make a mess! I love the look of your new book...oh so yummy
ReplyDeleteoh the toys scattered about totally make me laugh...looks like our house! As for the mail, I live in the middle of Oregon, everything is over the mountian in all directions...so the mail always travels at snow shoe speed!
ReplyDeleteSpike is so stinkin adorable!!! Puppies are always so much fun.