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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

This is a small picture of Pep that 
sits on the table by my chair in the 
living room during the day and on the
nightstand by my bed during the night.

It's just the right size to fit in the pocket 
of my bathrobe to travel between the rooms.

I know it's not really him but I find it comforting
and talk to it.  And when I'm really stressed out
I hear his words of advice, "Calm down, 
take a buspar Jan, and have a drink."  It
always helps.

Well, this morning when I got up I noticed the
picture wasn't on my nightstand so I got up 
and went to the living room.  It wasn't there
either.  I asked Kelly if she had seen it and she
said she thought it was on the table as usual 
but it wasn't.  The cats, especially Dueces,
have a habit of walking across that table and I
thought it might have gotten knocked off and then
under a chair or something.  To make a long
story short we spent about an hour and a half searching
everywhere we could think of in the living room
and the bedroom but no picture.
Finally I gave up and decided to take a bath and 
 get dressed for the day.  When I put on the shorts I
had worn the day before, there, in the left hand pocket
was my wonderful picture.  
Thank you God, I will sleep well tonight.

On special this week is Baskets & Bunnies for 15% off.

Now, have the best weekend with the people and the 
quilts that you love, and I'll see you next week

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

It's April and pretty soon it will be May

which means the lawn needs to be cut.

Jeff isn't with us anymore for quite a few reasons,

the biggest of which was my chickens.

Since I only get 1 social security check now instead

of two, I couldn't afford to pay him by the month

so he decided not to shut up the chickens. 

He didn't shut up the bantys or my layers. A raccoon

got into both houses and now I'm back to very baby


  Before he came to work for us we bought a red

riding lawnmower from Sears.  We only used it a

couple of times because he mowed the lawn but it

was sitting in a shed out behind the barn.  Two weeks

ago Tammy and her significant other decided to get it out

of the shed and get it in shape to start mowing.

It will be awhile.  It has no battery, no tires and the

blades are missing.  My son, Max called the Sheriff

and a deputy came out.  We also found out that instead

of taking care of the trash, he was just taking it over the

hill and dumping it which is against the law.

That's enough bad news for today.

My grandson Jake had a friend who has been working

for his father's home improvement company and Jeremy

came out and is awesome.  Besides helping with the new

babies, he mowed the front and side lawns with the

push mower Kelly brought with her when she moved in.

He also said that he lives in Cameron and to let him know

if we have a flat tire and he'll come out and fix it.

Thank you Jeremy and Thank you God.

Now for quilting new.

The special for this week is "The Collector Series BOM"

for 20% off.

Now, have the best weekend with the people and the 
quilts that you love, and I'll see you next week
without watching the news.  My son Max doesn't
watch the news because he says its depressing
and I think I have joined him :)

Friday, April 19, 2024

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

On Friday this week.

                                      Sorry ladies, you may get tired of seeing this picture

but I never will.  I really miss him.

Now back to why I blogged.

We had a drawing for the last kit

of the Bible Quilt and Tammy notified

the winner but we haven't heard from her.

Judith T was the winner.  She needs to call

Tammy at 816-632-7632 and give us her information

so we can send it to her.  If, for some reason she doesn't 

get in touch with us by the end of this week, we'll

pick a different number.

Now for this week.

I have been watching those students, not only at

Columbia College, but across the nation.

demonstrate and do things like burn the flag.

And I am disgusted.

This is "America for Me."

We are out of kits for it but we can

give away the pattern.  

If you want a kit, the kit we have on special
this week is 
American Eagle.

Now, have the best weekend with the people and the 
quilts that you love, and I'll see you next week
without watching the news.  My son Max doesn't
watch the news because he says its depressing
and I may join him :)

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday 2

Years ago I read somewhere that you

              need 3 things in life to be happy.

1. Someone to love

2. Something to do


3. Something to look forward to.

My #1

Closing prayer at the Memorial. 

"God, we believe that our loved ones 

are not lost to us, even in death.  

They are remembered in our activities, 

in our thoughts and in some decisions, we

consider what they would have said."

When I get too stressed out, I can still hear Pep

say, "Take a buspar, Jan and have a beer." 

(buspar is a mild anti anxiety pill my doctor prescribed).

I do and it always helps.  Remembering him always

helps.  He has left an indelible imprint in my heart and memory.  

As long as I live, he lives.  So grant me that promised peace

that goes beyond, even my understanding in days to come."

And on that note, I will go to my #2 which is always quilting.

On special today is a kit for the Bible Quilt.

We only have one so there may be some substitutions.

And since we only have one, we'll have to do a drawing for it.

 Make a comment below to enter the drawing and

on Monday we will number them and have Zoie blind pick a number.

If you want to buy a pattern for the quilt the pattern is on

special too.  If you win the drawing for the kit, we will refund

you the cost of the pattern.  

You can go to the store to buy a pattern by clicking here

Good luck - this is one of my favorite quilts and one I will always


Now, have the best weekend with the people and the 
quilts that you love, and I'll see you Monday with a winner.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

This one will be short but I'll post another tomorrow.

Yesterday was the memorial service at

Research Hospital for Pep and a few others that

died there at about the same time. 

Since people were of different denominations

and religions,  they had music and readings from Islam,

Jewish/Christian and Buddhist sources. 

Zoie came and so did Nina/Maxwell and Valerie 

as well as Bob Smith (Smitty) and Neal Stack 

who both work with Pep for years.  

Pep and Smitty worked together first at Baptist

and then at Research for around 30 years and

Stack came shortly after.  They were armed security so 

every year they all had to qualify with the Kansas City 

police department.   The hospital had a trophy where 

they posted the top 3 winners and every year it was

Patek, Smith & Stack.  Everyone said they cheated

because they came to the farm to practice.

We all brought pictures of Pep 

Here's the picture Zoie brought.

Tristan gave it to her shortly after Pep died.
I won't go into it all but Pep and I mostly
raised Jake and Zoie and we're all pretty well 
wiped out by his death.

At the end of the Memorial, Research gave us all
a memory stone.

There was also a "Litany or Remembrance" read
by Rabbi Steigman but I'll save it until tomorrow.

Now, have the best day with the people and the 
quilts that you love, and I'll see you tomorrow and
maybe have a special.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

On Friday this week.

This has been quite a week

and I haven't been fond of it.

When I got up this morning I found

my beloved puppy Dobby had died during

the night.  Tammy and Willy came

shortly and Willy buried him in our pet

cemetery behind the barn.  I miss him

already and so does Elizabeth.

On a somewhat happier note, Willy 

got the baby chickens moved to their new

house and they are cozy and safe and sound.

Tammy will get here soon and help me

remember how to download the pictures so

I can show them to you.

Meanwhile our sale item this week is the

table stand kit for "April Please"

You can order your kit 
by clicking here.

The boys have decided that even though they've taken off
lots of time already they will go to both memorials for Pep.

Now, have the best week with the people and the 
quilts that you love, and I'll see you next week
which hopefully will be lots better.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

On Thursday again  :)

I'm getting good at this ...

Pep worked for Health Midwest for years 

First at Baptist Hospital where he was a

Security Supervisor and when it closed he

transferred to Research Hospital.  Altogether, 

between the 2 hospitals he worked there for around

35 years.  He was on the Midnight Shift where he could either

have a very quiet night or a very active and sometimes

violent night. Dealing with people on PCP can be interesting .

 For those of you who don't know Kansas

City, both hospitals are close to "the hood".  

When he fell and collapsed a lung, we called 911 and they

took him to the hospital in Cameron who said he needed to

go to a larger hospital as they weren't equipped to handle it so

we life flighted him to Research.  I think I have already

said that he was in intensive care for 2 weeks before he

went to join Jesus in heaven.

On April 9th at 3:00 pm, Research is having a 

"Celebration of Life" memorial for him.  I've notified the men

that worked with him and Zoie and I will go too.  The boys have already

taken so much time off that they will wait for the memorial we will

have here.  I'll tell you about that later.  For right now, I any of you 

want to come, just let Tammy know so I can inform Research as they're

providing munchies.

Someone once said - "In order to be happy you need 3 things -

1.  Someone to love

2. Something to do and

3. Something to look forward to"

I lost my #1, I do have my quilting and eventually I will

join him in heaven.  I did promise Zoie that it would be

quite awhile from now though.

For right now - we do have a kit on sale this week, one 

of my spring favorites.

It's Beeskeps and Violets 

and you can go to the store to get your copy 

by clicking here.

Now, have the best week with the people and the 
quilts that you love, and I'll see you next week.