This is the KC Star BOM by Edie McGinnis and myself that will show to the shops at Fall Market. Now that I have 9/10ths of my work done on it, I kind of like it again. In the middle of a big quilt or book, when all the pressure is on to get things done on time, sometimes I don't like them very much. I think that's why so many of my quilts are BOMs or BOM types. That way I really get to like each block as I finish it. Both versions of the quilt are made from Linda and my Blessings line - by Moda, of course. To see Edie's version (mine is more intense - go figure - and Edie's is softer and more subtle, go to

And speaking of Edie - You all just have to see - and read - all of the awesome work she did on my Flags book. When I originally made this "Flags of the American Revolution" quilt, I had a small paragraph about the history of most of the blocks (or flags) in the quilt. She edited the book and took the idea and ran with it. There is a full page of history on the center eagle block and on each of the Flag blocks. It adds so much to the book that I tried to get her to have her name on the cover too, etc. She said no, that she was content to have her name on the history pages. And I have learned not to argue with Edie McGinnis. It just does no good at all. It turned the book into a great read with all sorts of information as well as, I think, full of great quilts to look at.

"Flags" was truly a collaborative quilt. One day my husband was "dinking" around on the net, looking for a Gadsden flag - the one with a coiled snake and the words "Don't tread on me". And he said, Jan, come here. I think these are your kind of colors and your kind of thing." So I did a little research on that site. I had already been scheduled to take a rare day off and go see my birthday sister Cherie Ralston in Lawrence. I jumped in my car the next day and as usual, instead of taking the day off, we played and she drew out the quilt for me. I can draw on the computer myself, now but she still does a lot of my left brain stuff whenever I yell "help". She's a very neat lady and I like her a lot.

Anyway, this is a great book - first to look out and secondarily, thanks to Edie McGinnis, great to read. I don't think it's up on my website quite yet - I just sent it to Shannon - but if you want one you can email Tara at you can order one from her.
Cost is $24.95 + S&H.
Then there's this year's Girl Gang Quilt - Sunny Days that we're finishing up as well as 2 quilts using my our new Looking Back fabric line - one using lots and lots of Moda designer triangle squares. But I can't show them yet. We do have lots of things to look forward to.

Of course, I do have a life outside of quilting. Two of my grandchildren have birthdays this week. Aidan will be 7 and Cullen will be 3. Birthdays do have to be celebrated.
For now, back to proofing and sewing - ond proofing and sewing --------