And we're back at multitasking. Clothes unpacked and washed again, ready to be ironed and packed for Market at the end of the month.
The booth unpacked and sorted, some quilts to go to France for the book I'm doing for Quiltmania, some will go over to
Missouri Star Quilt Co. for display and a few I get to keep for the house.
It was a really fun festival with only a few hitches. Tara locked the keys in the car when we got there to unload but a very nice officer from the sheriff's department got us back in. Once set up, Max joined us (he had class until Wednesday evening). He and Tara took care of things on the selling and adding up end. I got to sit and chat and sew and do demonstrations on Needleturn Applique. I don't really call it work if I get to sit and sew and show ladies how easy applique can be if you just know a few tips.
The show itself was awesome. The DesMoines Guild had some great quilts.
Moda Lissa was there and posted lots of pictures on her blog so I gave you the link to her page. It is really worth seeing - I recommend it highly. Thanks Lissa.
This seems like a good place to announce the winners of the drawing for the Free Kit. Drumm rolllll ... And the winners are ..........Linda Lyn of Newton, IA and Marilyn Holder of Fairview, TN. Congratulations ladies. Tara will be emailing you and letting you choose between Sunflowers & Scarecrows and Sue's Snowman Basket.

Here's Christmas 101 again. It's also in the strip on the right because it's the Wallhanging Club offering for the month. We're building a new storefront - with only a slight delay due to a blown motherboard on a computer. The Mini Quilts and Wallhangings are up. As you may or may not know, I'm not taking credit cards any more. I found out the hard way that the merchant is not protected with online credit card orders. If someone steals your card - or gets your card number somehow - and uses it to buy something, the cardholder is protected. The merchant is not. They simply lose their money. Mastercard and Visa are not set up to verify that the person buying online and receiving the goods is indeed the cardholder. Paypal is. They are set up for online buying and selling.
If you're a Wallhanging Club member or anyone else who wants to buy the kit, click on the picture to the right and it will take you to the storefront. If you just want to look at the storefront, type (no www.) in your browser or just click on it. If you don't have an account with Paypal, it's very easy to set one up. We're also looking into and to accept payments.
Did I mention that the trailer had a flat tire on the way home. The show ended at 5:00, we were packed by 7:00 and I got home around 2:00 a.m.
It's good to be home.