I'll do the bad things first and get it out of the way. WE WERE SCAMMED!! (kind of like Identity Theft) - by someone saying they were a shop in Australia. Instead they were scam artists using other people's credit cards. YUCK!!! And it has thrown a huge hitch in the get-along. Everything had to be closed down and switched.
At the present time we're not able to process credit cards and we're not sure when we'll be able to. And let me tell you, I am not at all impressed with Mastercard and Visa - period. Their security is fine if you're a shop and the card itself is present. But they are not at all secure or up to date if your sales are over the internet. Nor are they helpful.
So we are back to the good old days. If you're a new customer we will ask for the 1st payment up front. After that we'll ship and bill you.
Most quilters are pretty trustworthy so we're not worried. (These people never would have put money up front the first time.) When I first started designing, that's the way we did it. And we will have the option of Paypal. They are savvy on internet sales. If you absolutely have to have something now and are a new customer, we can refer your sale to a nearby shop that carries our products and takes credit cards. So we still should be able to serve our customer's needs.
Now on to fun things. The Remembrance fabric is in and our first kit is ready to ship. I just love it. And it really goes with the way I'm feeling right now.

Cost is $50.00 + $7.00 shipping.
Oh - Come see The Witch, me and all my Remembrance quilts at the AQS Des Moines Festival at the Iowa Events Center - October 6-9. Booth 1228-1230. I'll be there with kits, quilts and Needleturn Applique and Amy Oxford punchneedle demonstrations. See you there.
The Witch and all the new patterns will be on the website soon. Watch for them.
And the weather is beautiful and supposed to be this way all week. What a relief after the heat of summer. Have a good one, ladies.