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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday

It's July - 
Christmas in July 
for just a few more days and
here are a few of our favorite things

And a few more

 and even more

You can go to the store to grab some pattern and kits and
start stitching by clicking here because next Monday
which is the last day in July
we're going to raffle off one of my
quilts.  I'll tell you which one Monday.

Meanwhile have the very best week
with the people and quilts that you love the most.


Saturday, July 22, 2023

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday on Saturday this week

My - it's been quite a month.

Every year we get new chickens and here is my original
order this year.  When I got them I put them in the
little house for the bantys and locked it up.

We thought the house was secure but one by one
they disappeared.  Jeff thought it was a black snake
or maybe a weasel but whatever it was the 
babies weren't safe.  

I ordered some new ones and we put them all in
Thistle's old cage and kept it in the office.
(Thistle was Kelly's rabbit that went to rabbit
heaven). Anyway that would work temporarily
but not for long,  so what to do?
I remembered that the people on the corner had
a really neat little chicken house and didn't take 
it with them when they moved.  I met our new neighbors
and found out that they weren't planning on keeping
Long story short

I bought it and Jeff moved it into the
chicken yard.  
Of course this types quickly but really took quit 

 You can tell which ones are survivors from

the first order because they're quite a bit bigger.

Anyway, they're safe and sound now.   Since

I have my babies safe, I can concentrate on 

quilting again.

And we're still having Christmas in July.

Christmas 101 is our pattern on sale this week.
You can go to the store to get your pattern
by clicking here

 In the midst of all that, I think I forgot to post the blog
on July 12th so here it is.

We're going to have a Christmas in July 

sale all month and the item on sale

this week is a

Star Spangled Christmas

Kit on sale for 20% off.

You can go to the store to get your kit

by clicking here

If the store doesn't have it on sale just

email Tammie and she'll get it for you

at the sale price if we have any left.

Right now I'm going to feed the cat, check on the
chickens and take a small nap,
Have the best week with the people and quilts
that you love.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Happy 4th of July on the 12th

Let Freedom Ring & 

Stars for the Lady

BOGO patterns
Kit for Let Freedom Ring 20% off

 - all patterns with Flags or
Eagles 50% off 

This week only

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Happy Girl Gang Wednesday on Sunday this week

Here's why it took so long to get a post up

Here we have 7 straight run (not sexed)
Buff Orpingtons and 7 straight run Bantys)
I got to sit outside the post office and wait 
for the pouring rain to stop the day they
came before I went into get them.

I stopped at Coop to pick up their Chickstart
and got them quickly home and under the
warming lights.  The one in the bottom picture with
the black spot is a Silver Laced Wyandotte rooster.
The raccoon got my first one out of the big house
when he killed all my bantys.  I do NOT like raccoons 
and now I shut up the chicken houses when I feed
the barn cat.  That way I don't have to worry about
Jeff maybe being late.

 And happy almost 4th of July.

Our Vintage book on sale for half price

 this month is Liberty Garden

and this is one of the quilts in the book.

Besides the large quilt here there is a medium
quilt and quite a few small ones.
Liberty Houses, Liberty Pumpkin, Liberty Eagle
and Liberty Urn.

The BOM pattern on sale this week is
Flags of the American Revolution.

Since I'm posting early this week because I was 
too busy to post last week, I'll post again Wednesday and maybe
give you some more history about the flags.

Don't Tread on Me flag

Flags with a rattlesnake theme also gained increasing prestige with colonists. The slogan "Don't Tread on Me" almost invariably appeared on rattlesnake flags. A flag of this type was the standard of the South Carolina Navy. Another, the Gadsden flag, consisted of a yellow field with a rattlesnake in a spiral coil, poised to strike, in the center. Below the snake was the motto, "Don't Tread on Me." [Available from]

Culpeper Minutemen Flag

Similar was the Culpepper flag, banner of the Minutemen of Culpepper (now spelled Culpeper) County, Virginia. It consisted of a white field with a rattlesnake in a spiral coil in the center. Above the rattlesnake was the legend "The Culpepper Minute Men" and below, the motto, "Liberty or Death" as well as "Don't Tread on Me." [Available from]

In December of 1775, an anonymous Philadelphia correspondent wrote to Bradford's Pennsylvania journal concerning the symbolic use of the snake. He began the letter by saying: 

I recollected that her eye excelled in brightness that of any other animal, and that she has no eye-lids. She may, therefore, be esteemed an emblem of vigilance. She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders. She is, therefore, an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. 

It was probably the deadly bite of the rattler, however, which was foremost in the minds of its designers, and the threatening slogan "Don't Tread on Me" added further significance to the design.